Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Dribblin' Dawgs Lookin for a Little Respect
Including tonight's match up, the Bulldawgs have two more non-conference games before they open the SEC schedule with a showdown againt Kentucky in Athens on January 8th. It is in these two games that I would love to see the Dawgs methodically take care of the Buccaneers and the Eastern Kentucky Colonels and build some confidence going into the Conference schedule. While they won't gain much in the eyes of the media by winning these two games, they will certainly get closer to the confidence they will need to take care of the perennial powerhouse that is the Kentucky Wildcats.
Thoughts from last night
All around, a great game to watch. Falcons fans can't be too upset with the outcome, even if some are a bit miffed about Smith's punt call with 2:44 left in the 4th. The defense did everything they needed to do in that game. They even chipped in with a pick-six and had Ryan been able to get things going after the Abraham INT, the ATL D probably wouldn't have yielded another touchdown. Matt Ryan didn't have an outstanding night, but fumbles on the 1-yard line are always tough to swallow. Trust me, I'm a Georgia fan.
For me, it was just apparent that I was watching the two best teams in the NFC. With the exception of the Saints run game, the two teams employ very balanced approaches on both sides of the ball and should expect to go far in the playoffs.
Me Likey
(h/t Get the Picture)
2020... that just blew my mind thinking about how far away that is.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boring-est. Game. Ever.
The ironic thing about the Tevin Washington pick in the waning seconds that sent Georgia Tech to its sixth consecutive bowl loss and a losing season-record was the fact that it might have been the only spiral that he threw all season.
One more thing,
Falcons, Rise Up.
My other car is a 100-foot yacht. hhnnnyesss.
The team picked quite a place to hold its practices: The Memphis University School isn’t a university, but the prep school probably has nicer facilities than most non-Division I schools. And maybe some of those too.
The buildings have pillars, the field has a pretty good press box, and there's a sport and fitness center. In general the campus looks like the kind of place where the parents have bumper stickers that say “My other car is a 100-foot yacht.”
“This is a nice place,” Richt said, in the kind of understatement that would make him sound almost British. “You couldn’t ask for a better facility.”
(h/t Bulldogs Blog)
I wonder if any of the 5-star recruits at The Memphis University School are expecting their facilities to get a couple thousand dollars worth of upgrades.
Espin seems to think it's front page news.
Sorry, but the fortunes of this Bulldawg team haven't turned on the success of King this year. I'm much more worried about the defense showing up against a team lead by a talented young QB, having Aaron play pitch and catch with his array of receivers, and letting our backs scrap for yards where they can find them.
The academic ineligibilities made the headlines around the state, which I wasn't surprised by. I was, however, surprised to see the topic surface at ESPN and CBSSports.com. When there's a roster of 85 or so players, many of which were marginally qualified students to begin with, shouldn't there be enough academic ineligibilities out there at other programs to make it fairly un-newsworthy? Maybe not.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas, Dawgs!

There's something about stones and glass and houses, but it's always nice to see your neighbors are doing well around the holidays! Go Dawgs
Friday, December 24, 2010
It's Chillmas, Bro
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Thoughts on the tOSU Suspensions
The NCAA did not suspended the players for Jan. 4 Sugar Bowl against the eighth-ranked Razorbacks because the "student-athletes did not receive adequate rules education during the time period the violations occurred."This excerpt from the AP release (I'm reading the WSJ report here) on the Terrell Pryor suspension is the biggest crock of chickenshit I have heard since their Cam Newton decision.
If I have this straight, the five players at Ohio State received a standard four game suspension for the sale of various team paraphernalia plus a one game suspension for:
...not immediately disclos[ing] the violations when presented with the appropriate rules education.Fair enough. This seems consistent with the AJ decision (b/c he apparently was upfront about it - hence no extra game), although such a ruling should be easy enough to make for the NCAA considering the two scenarios are almost identical. The only true difference I see is that the OSU players sold more swag.
But they're playing in the fucking SUGAR BOWL? You're shitting me. The justification we're given is that the players weren't educated well enough about the rules. "Mea culpa," says Kevin Lennon, NCAA VP of academic and membership affairs. How merciful, o gracious NCAA. It took a lot of balls to admit your mistake back there, Kev.
Okay, so the NCAA's at fault a little bit 'cause they didn't let Pryor and his buds know, back in '08 or '09 about how they shouldn't be selling their stuff and the kids get cut some slack. Perhaps knock off the extra game suspension that was tacked on because the kids were lying?
Not when the NCAA is beholden to the interests of Sugar Bowl money. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, (cash reigns supreme in every other facet of life, too) but to hear such a half-assed and transparent excuse for their actions is just laughable.
All in all, the Sugar Bowl gets it's untarnished top ten matchup, the advertisers still get all the eyeballs they were entitled to before the sanctions were levied, the NCAA remains "tough on crime," while the players never sit a game because they're in the NFL making ched.
All in the name of Amateurism
Georgia Roundball @ Mercer
Despite early losses, to Notre Dame (where I think we were the better team) and Temple, I'm encouraged by the prospects for this team. The future looks bright.
A tournament berth would be especially tasty given that the in-state rival's (who the program repeatedly loses recruits to) season is tanking fast.
NCAA Brings the Pain: Buckeye Edition
It doesn't give AJ back to us for the first four games, but misery loves company!
//gets commemorative tattoo to celebrate
TWITTER FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a life long Atlanta Falcons fan, through the good times and the bad, and some of the individuals that provide on this blog are New Orleans Saints fans, through the good and bad.
Life goes on and I do not hate them for liking the Saints. They will be coming to my birthday party.
Big game with a lot of spotlight and media on it. Super stars will be playing and the NFC playoff picture will be impacted.
But I guess the game needed a bit more attention...
Roddy White is one of the main reasons for the Falcon's resurgence the past few years . He is very intense and from what I can decipher from seeing him on the tube on Sunday's, a guy that loves his teammates and his organization. He plays hard and makes great plays. That said...
I first read it on the AJC yesterday and then proceeded to shake my computer violently. The Falcon's are arguably the hottest/best team in the NFL. They have been clutch all year and have played with a chip on their shoulder. Their coach has preached selflessness and it has paid dividends for them. They are recovering from a serious blow to their moxie thanks to that Mike Vick "stuff" (in this case "stuff" means running an illegal dog fighting ring, getting busted for the devil's lettuce, 'Ron Mexico', and probably several other really interesting/sad/odd/"WTF were you thinking dude" things). Arthur Blank is a terrific owner and has made terrific hires to right the ship, saying all the right things and making all the right moves. The fact that they do not get "love" from the media is perfect...fly under the radar and go about your business by beating legit NFL teams.
Why Roddy?
Why draw attention to just you? Everyone in the A knows you are the man. You have proved it every week. YOU ARE AN ELITE RECEIVER!!! Some overpaid, mediocre, former quarterback TV analyst made a comment on a SportsCenter segment (Right in between "Favre Stories" and "Dallas Cowboys: Behind the Jerry") and you HAD to do it. You HAD to respond. The Saints are the defending champs. They are legit and proven. No need to talk ess and give them more motivation to come into the Dome and silence critics and keyboards alike.
I am glad that Roddy is confident. Just use the motivation that the Dilf handed you on a silver platter and utilize it to your full advantage in the locker room. Remember what got you guys here. No need to change your M.O. right before the biggest game of the year.
And I was kidding when I said that the guys were coming to my birthday party...I hate them and the Saints.
The Twitter Fight in its entirety: http://blogs.ajc.com/jeff-schultz-blog/2010/12/22/roddy-white-battles-saints-and-dilfer-via-twitter/?cxntfid=blogs_jeff_schultz_blog
More Thoughts on The Spicy Chicken Kickoff Game
"The bigger and badder Boise gets portrayed, the better Georgia comes off looking."
Pre-Brotzman meltdown (the good times roll) (h/t EDSBS), I was pulling for Boise to run the table. Now, don't get this twisted, I wasn't looking for a BCS buster, but just wanted Boise to come in as highly regarded as possible. There will always be elitist, a camp in which we generally reside, who think Boise was, is, and always will be the "little guy", but I think that program is for real. Hell, give them an entire off season to prepare and the Dawgs are going to be up against a wall. Still, at this point, Dawg fans shouldn't be worried about playing a tough opponent, losing, Bobo's Sybil-like play calling, or Richt's inability to /insert Internet meme here/, we should want to play this game.
As much as it pains me to say it, Boise is a bigger deal than the Dawgs right now. Period. The Red and Black needs something to get this B-52 (plane, not the band -- Athens is rad) off the ground because right now, it feels like we look like this guy trying to pull the World's Strongest Man bus with a rope...

Cliff notes version: I hope Boise comes in ranked as highly as possible. I hope Richt and Co. get things going and we get back on track so we can be where Auburn is in a year or two... minus all the unmarked credit cards, the dog track alum, the bank fraud, Trooper Taylor and his towel, and the NCAA investigation. Otherwise, I want to be exactly the same.
Moore Will Be Back
This validates my sentiments on the decision process draft-eligible juniors employ around the NCAA each year. It comes down to this: if you ain't gonna make more ched by staying = see ya...
Kellen Moore lacks the measure-ables the NFL is looking for, which is why we'll see him next year in the Dome. Who knows, he might turn out to be the next six-foot tall pocket passing, Super Bowl winning NFL QB a la Drew Brees.
But no one can try to tell me that Tebow stuck around for his senior year at UF for any other reason besides the fact that someone in-the-know whispered in his ear and said, "You know, Timmy, you probably would make quite a bit more money on draft day if you hung around here, took some snaps under center, and fixed your god-awful throwing motion..."
BSU: Next up, UGA
Next up for Boise, UGA. Much of their current offensive bite will be lost next year when Austin Pettis and Titus Young leave. However, Moore remains one of the nation's most prolific and accurate passers and should be back to kick off 2011 in the Dome. Boise's offense makes me uncomfortable because they showed a healthy use of both an option toss and end around that the Dawgs haven't defended well for several years now. We shall see soon enough. I, for one, can't wait.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Take this for whatever you will...
If it's true (which obviously we'll know for sure soon enough), there's no surprise here. It's economics - if a player cannot, with a reasonable probability, improve their draft stock by staying another year, then they won't.
I don't care what people say - it doesn't have to do with school spirit, love for teammates, not wanting to play football as a job, etc. When faced with the option of having millions of dollars, you take it. Plain and simple.
Good luck to AJ in the bowl game. When he does end up in the NFL, I know Georgia fans will always be proud to call him a Dawg.
Green denies the report via Twitter
11Alive quotes Green as saying he's made "no decision"
She pedi-eggs on the reg
Deadspin broke the news and they're acknowledging that the woman from the videos could be someone else. Perhaps an identical twin to Michelle Ryan...
Except he's not denying it. ...Sounds like a man who might enjoy taking a few sexual liberties with his wife's feet. All you aspiring coaches out there - learn a lesson from this and keep the fart fetish videos AT HOME - in your sock drawer where they belong, and off of YouTube. Come on man.
Deadspin urges us not to judge the Ryans, and hell - I'm right there with 'em. Who wouldn't be embarrassed if their dirty sexual laundry was aired out in front of the national media? Plus, for a 40-something lady, her feet are kinda nice...