It's hard not to agree with the Senator when he says this:
Pre-Brotzman meltdown (the good times roll) (h/t EDSBS), I was pulling for Boise to run the table. Now, don't get this twisted, I wasn't looking for a BCS buster, but just wanted Boise to come in as highly regarded as possible. There will always be elitist, a camp in which we generally reside, who think Boise was, is, and always will be the "little guy", but I think that program is for real. Hell, give them an entire off season to prepare and the Dawgs are going to be up against a wall. Still, at this point, Dawg fans shouldn't be worried about playing a tough opponent, losing, Bobo's Sybil-like play calling, or Richt's inability to /insert Internet meme here/, we should want to play this game.
As much as it pains me to say it, Boise is a bigger deal than the Dawgs right now. Period. The Red and Black needs something to get this B-52 (plane, not the band -- Athens is rad) off the ground because right now, it feels like we look like this guy trying to pull the World's Strongest Man bus with a rope...

Cliff notes version: I hope Boise comes in ranked as highly as possible. I hope Richt and Co. get things going and we get back on track so we can be where Auburn is in a year or two... minus all the unmarked credit cards, the dog track alum, the bank fraud, Trooper Taylor and his towel, and the NCAA investigation. Otherwise, I want to be exactly the same.
"The bigger and badder Boise gets portrayed, the better Georgia comes off looking."
Pre-Brotzman meltdown (the good times roll) (h/t EDSBS), I was pulling for Boise to run the table. Now, don't get this twisted, I wasn't looking for a BCS buster, but just wanted Boise to come in as highly regarded as possible. There will always be elitist, a camp in which we generally reside, who think Boise was, is, and always will be the "little guy", but I think that program is for real. Hell, give them an entire off season to prepare and the Dawgs are going to be up against a wall. Still, at this point, Dawg fans shouldn't be worried about playing a tough opponent, losing, Bobo's Sybil-like play calling, or Richt's inability to /insert Internet meme here/, we should want to play this game.
As much as it pains me to say it, Boise is a bigger deal than the Dawgs right now. Period. The Red and Black needs something to get this B-52 (plane, not the band -- Athens is rad) off the ground because right now, it feels like we look like this guy trying to pull the World's Strongest Man bus with a rope...

Cliff notes version: I hope Boise comes in ranked as highly as possible. I hope Richt and Co. get things going and we get back on track so we can be where Auburn is in a year or two... minus all the unmarked credit cards, the dog track alum, the bank fraud, Trooper Taylor and his towel, and the NCAA investigation. Otherwise, I want to be exactly the same.
Is that a picture of Kyle from the movie "Road Trip"?